SBI PO Exam Pattern 2019 - Check Detailed Pattern Here!

State Bank of India Probationary Officer Exam is conducted annually for the recruitment of Officers for the company. The examination is conducted in 3 phases, an Online based Preliminary exam, Mains exam and interview process. To excel in this exam amid huge competition, a candidate must be aware about the pattern of this examination. This article will give you an idea regarding the pattern of the examination and guide you through the whole process of the exam.

 Here is the SBI PO Exam Pattern:

Preliminary Examination 2019

This will be an online based examination to be conducted on 8th,9th, 15th and 16th June 2019. This paper will be having 3 sections namely Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. The duration of this paper will be 1 hour.

English Language will be having a total of 30 questions carrying 30 marks. Quantitative aptitude which will be having 35 marks and consisting of 35 questions. Reasoning ability will be having 35 questions and will be carrying 35 marks. All the 3 sections will be having a duration of 20 minutes.

Mains Exam

Candidates will be shortlisted for the Mains exam based on their performance in the Preliminary exam category wise.

The Mains exam will be online based and will be conducted on 20th July 2019. This paper will comprise of 4 sections namely Reasoning and Computer aptitude, Data Analysis and interpretation and General/Economy/Banking awareness, English Language. The duration for this paper will be 3 hours. A descriptive paper will also be conducted along with this online exam. The descriptive test will have a duration of 30 minutes. Reasoning and Computer aptitude will be having 45 questions, consisting of 60 marks with a duration of 60 minutes. Data Analysis and interpretation will be having 35 questions, with maximum marks of 60 and a duration of 45 minutes. General/Economy/banking awareness section will be having 40 questions, with maximum marks of 40 and a duration of 40 minutes. English Language will be having 35 questions, consisting of 40 marks and a duration of 40 minutes.

Every wrong answer by the candidate will have a penalty of 0.25 marks.

Descriptive Test

The descriptive test will have a duration of 30 minutes and will consist of 2 questions of 50 marks consisting Letter writing and Essay.


A candidate will only be called for the GD-PI after he/she clears both Prelim and Mains examination. The interview will consist of a panel of selectors who will assess the candidate based on their past experience and their knowledge in GK, Banking sector. In order for final selection, a candidate must clear the interview round.

Final Selection

After the completion of Personal Interview, a merit list will be declared by the State Bank of India with the candidate’s score in Mains and the interview round. Based on the vacancies and the score of the candidate, the final cut-off marks will be declared. All candidates who clear the SBI PO cut-off criteria will be granted the Appointment Letter by State Bank of India for the post of Probationary Officer.


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